1033 Budapest III.
Kórház út 6-12


3580 Tiszaújváros,
Vegyészek útja 7.


+36 1 367 2931


VEGYTERV provides complex engineering services in Hungary
and foreign companies in all sectors of industry. We are mainly engaged in the preparation of architectural, technological and engineering designs for industrial plants, complexes, warehouses, office buildings and other objects.
(for a detailed list of our services, click on the categories below).

We also provide design services in the areas of power and low-voltage systems and control engineering (again, click on the appropriate icon in the list below for more information). VEGYTERV solves comprehensive and complex technical tasks with the best available professionals.
We design our systems for the future, we deliver our services in the present.


Our experts provide design services in areas such as. For more details and descriptions of each service area, click on the icon!


Our expert colleagues can also carry out the construction work in a number of disciplines if required, and in all other cases we can find a reliable partner for the job. For more information click on the icon!

VEGYTERV’s specialists always work on the basis of accurate data,
start design work and services after a thorough assessment of your specific needs.

Working together is this process for us.
Of course, the characteristics of the project
may occur based on the exact tasks and needs,
that not every step of the process is necessary.

Request an offer

The incoming requests are studied by our experts, who examine the technical task at hand and assess what additional information and data may be needed. We will then contact the contracting authority.


Every project starts by clarifying the exact needs and challenges, and determining what our engineers consider to be the optimal solution to address them.

All this is revealed during a consultation, where our experts clarify all the details with our clients, including the exact purpose of the project, the budget, the main parameters, floor plans, material and labour requirements, preliminary plans.

As part of the decision support, our experts can carry out a feasibility study, which technically analyses the future implementation, the steps to be taken, the environmental impact, the costs of the investment, the potential partners and suppliers.

Send an offer to

Based on the data, parameters and needs identified during the consultation, we will prepare an accurate design proposal. The design proposal shall include a list of the tasks to be undertaken, with a precise indication of the design boundaries, and the design fee.


Once the offer is accepted, our experts will get to work to draw up the plans. They use not only up-to-date expertise, but also the most modern technological tools available.


On the basis of detailed design documentation, our specialists will build the high and low voltage power and control systems.
For other construction tasks, we mobilise our extensive network of contacts: over several decades, VEGYTERV has built up a professional network in which we maintain close relations with a number of domestic and international product manufacturers and implementers.

If requested by the client, we also prepare implementation plans after the construction, in which any deviations from the original plans that may have become necessary during the construction are incorporated.


If you would like to benefit from our expertise in architectural design, simply ask us for an offer by mail or call our colleagues on the contacts provided on the Contact page.